At the beginning of each month, your tuition/charges will be electronically sent to you. Fees are due by the 10th of each month whether you receive a bill or not. Some charges such as early morning care, afternoon extended care and special (optional) lunch days are collected in arrears. Your bill will reflect the amount of charges. On the 11th, any outstanding balances are past due and a late charge of $20 per child will be applied to all unpaid balances. If the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, payment is due the business day before the 10th. An additional late charge of $20 will be applied if payment is not received by the 20th of the month. Non-payment or consistent late payments may result in the cancellation of enrollment.
Remember, no adjustments will be made to tuition due to weather related closings, building related closings or your child’s attendance.
Payments can be made by:
Placing a check in the metal box marked “Tuition” located in the reception area of the Day School office, or
Paying online by clicking here to access the Church Credit Card Payment website.Enter the payment amount in the Donation Amount field and choose the Preschool option in the Description field. Complete the Credit Card Information section and click on Process Payment button. Please note that if paying electronically, please include a $12.25 processing fee.
Mailing payments to:
Lake Murray Presbyterian Church Day School, 2721 Dutch Fork Road, Chapin, SC 29036.
*Please make checks payable to: LMPC Day School.\
Please do not leave your payment in your family folder, send in book bags or send in car rider line.
Families whose enrollment is terminated due to nonpayment will lose priority status for their subsequent registration. Families with past due accounts with the Day School will be unable to attend registration or place a child on the waiting list for any session. To be eligible to participate in registration, all past due accounts must reflect a zero balance at least one week before the first day of registration.
Returned Checks
Checks will be deposited only one time. If a check is returned, a charge of $20.00 will be applied to your account. If two checks are returned for non-sufficient funds during the school year, all future payments must be made by cashier’s check or money order. If a personal check is submitted for payment during this time, it will be returned to you and may result in an additional late charge to your account.
Tuition and/or Registration fees are non-refundable. A child is considered enrolled when registration fees are paid and required papers are completed turned in at the Day School office. If it becomes necessary for parents to withdraw their child, it is expected that the parents will give a 30 day written notice to the Director. If a 30 day notice is not given, the parents are responsible for one month’s tuition and any applicable late fees. Please note that your signature on the Registration Forms mean you are agreeing to all of LMPC Day School’s policy, including the Withdrawal Policy.
REGISTRATION (non-refundable) 10 MONTHS (Aug-Jun) 12 MONTHS (Aug-Aug)
Church Member $100.00 per child $125.00 per child
Non-Church Member $150.00 per child $175.00 per child
Registration fees are due each year at time of registration
PART-TIME (8:45am – 12:00pm)
Infants & Toddlers 2 Days (T,Th) $160.00/month
3 Days (M,W,F) $180.00/month
Twos 2 Days (T,Th) $155.00/month
3 Days (M,W,F) $175.00/month
Threes & Fours 5 Days (MON-FRI) $240.00/month
Extended Care (6:45am – 8:45am, 12:00pm – 6:00pm) $7.00/hour
FULL-TIME (6:45am – 6:00pm)
Infants & Toddlers $780.00/month
Twos $740.00/month
Threes & Fours $720.00/month
LATE PICK-UP FEES (AFTER 6:00pm) $1.00/minute/child
The rate will be based on your child’s enrollment space and will be as follows:
2 Days (T,Th) $35 paid 2x per year (August & January)
3 Days (M/W/F) $40 paid 2x per year (August & January)
5 Days (both PT & FT) $75 paid 2x per year (August & January)
Concerning children on the younger hall, if space is available and you wish to enroll your child in both 2 and 3 day part-time space, you may do so. However, you will be required to pay supply fee for a 5-day space.
$40 paid 1x per year (August) for Part-time children enrolled in the toddler and older classrooms
$75 paid 1x per year (August) for Full-time children enrolled in the toddler and older classrooms
Infants will not be required to pay either fees. Families are responsible for bringing their supplies.